Sunday, August 21, 2011

The New Blog

Nobody knows what the future holds, only that life is a journey and an adventure. For me, my life's journey has been a God story. God knows my future, and he has a plan. He is writing my story and in my God story, it has been a road of miracles that God has worked to get me at this place in life that I am now at. My life is a God story, I know the title of the next chapter but not what adventure it holds. 

God has called me to be a long-term missionary. 
A life characterized by obedience and reliance on him as I walk into the unknown of where he guides me and do the work that he sets before me. 
I have a rough idea of the steps I will take in the next few years, but all I really know is that he has huge plans and has called me to be apart of them. 
I know God is shaping me to use me for big things. 

This new blog is a blog so that you can keep up with me in this journey, know how to pray, and praise God for the work he does.