
It is a solid belief of mine that every follower of Christ is called to missions. Now, before you roll your eyes, I am not saying everybody is called to a place like Africa full time. No, that takes a special calling. But everybody is called to be involved with advancing the kingdom, making disciples of all nations. There are two essential roles as Christians in spreading the gospel (and one can not exist with out the other) that is the senders and the sent. Don't believe me? Read Romans 10:14-15. Please partner with me in sending me out to spread the gospel and make disciples of Jesus. Pray for me and the people I encounter and pray about donating to help me be mobilized and make my ministry more effective. 

How you can make a tax-deductible donation:

By Check:
Made out to YWAM - SF do not write my name anywhere on the check. Instead, write my donor number on the memo line (573). This number will ensure the money goes to me.

Mail it to:
YWAM Strategic Frontiers
Attn: Donor Services
P.O. Box 60579
Colorado Springs, CO 80960-0579

Electronically or Automatic Debit:
Call (719) 226-3095 or email:
Donor Services can send you the forms to set up monthly automatic debit or help you donate over the phone. 
Thank You for all of your support as I seek to respond to the great commission.