Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fall Quarter has begun

One of my roles for this quarter is to care for three boys while their parents are in class taking a training course on strategic missions and community development. Now, don't think we are just playing all day long (although we do have plenty of fun and go on field trips). I am with them a minimum of 20 hours a week and we spend most of our time working on home school, which is quite the challenge sometimes. The past few weeks, I have been blessed to see how this simple role has been such a blessing to so many people. A few days ago, their mother told me, with tears in her eyes, how thankful she is that God answered her prayers by having me fill this role. It was her greatest worry and fear of what would happen to her boys when they came for this 3 month lecture phase, but I was an answer to her prayers in every way, great and small. I have also had so many daily discipling opportunities with the boys and get to share about God and pray with them (as this transition has been
rough for them). I am learning to not underestimate the implications of serving in any job or role. Everything plays into the bigger picture of the vision of our campus, to reach the least reach and disciple the nations.

1.  For the month of October, I will be working intensely at preparing for a support raising trip which I plan to go on at the end of the month or the beginning of November. I have never support raised like this before and need to raise $325 to $525 more of monthly support. Pray for encouragement, faith and hope as I do this. Pray for wisdom and creativity. Pray for open schedules so I can make appointments with people. Pray that I can get all the logistics of this trip planned easily and without stress.

2.  Pray also for the boys I watch, that God would help them to transition well.

3.  I am an introvert who is spending every minute of my time investing in relationships with the DTS students, in my church, back home, outside my normal circle of friends, outside church and YWAM, with the Furlong family (the boys I watch). It's pretty crazy! Pray God would help me to continue this, that he would refresh me in it and give me opportunities to continue to build relationships.

Discipleship Training School
Another role I have is to work along side the DTS students who have come. In my free time, I am very intentional about seeking out these students and building relationships with them and discuss the teachings they have each day as well as pray with them. I am praying God uses me to build transformational relationships with these students and God would give me deeper discipling opportunities with them soon.

Alethia Church
I have been proactive about getting involved in a local church here (Alethia is the name of my church, it means "Truth" in Greek. I have already served in Sunday school twice now and have gone to a few different life groups. My goal is to commit to two life groups to help me build relationships with individuals within the church. I seize every opportunity to get to know people and interact during and outside church times.

By Pillar of Fire and Cloud

I have arrived!

It has been SUCH an insane transition, but I am finally here on staff at YWAM
in Colorado Springs as God promised a year and a half ago.  A year and a half
ago, God gave me a picture of me blind folded and on the edge of a wilderness
valley. He asked me over and over, "will you walk through this with me?" For
some reason, I said "yes, I will wlak through anything with you Lord". It's
been such a crazy journey, but when I arrived, God spoke a word to me of how
he lead His people with a pillar of cloud and fire. I felt Him saying to me,
even though I can not see, to trust in faith, He is with me and leading me
every step of the way. Each day when I wake up, look at that pillar of cloud
and follow in faith as God leades me. I am not sure If I have arrived at the
other side, but I am still definitly divinely being lead by God.

Strategic Mission Seminar:
   This month, I have been takeing an awesome course on strategic
   missions. I have learned SO many beneficail and practical things such
   as how to think strategicly in missions, gateway people groups,
   community development, worldviews, mobilization, and servant
   leadership. Through this course, I have been equiped with principals to
   help me pioneer ministries over seas as well as be effective in
   ministry here in Colorado Springs. This course has gotten me so pumped
   about missions to the least reached as well as discipleship and
   mobilization here in Colorado.

What I will be doing:
   My heart, passion, and calling is discipileship and mobilization. I
   want to coach and mentor people in knowing who thier God is, who they
   are in Christ, and the calling God has on thier life for His kingdom. I
   am hear to help run discipleship Training Schools (DTS) which is a 6
   month course with three months lecture phase and 3 months outreace
   phase. Because this fall DTS was overstaffed before I even came on
   staff, I will be serving in other roles until I get an opportunity to
   staff a DTS full time (praying for January). In the mornings, I will be
   doing child care for families with children who will be in the schools.
   In the afternoons, I will be working along side/overseeing the DTS
   students in thier work duties. I plan on spending every minute I can
   invest in these students (who arrive Sept 13th) to build relationships
   with them and mentor them any way I can. In addition to my actual jobs,
   I am being proactive about getting connected in a local church body. I
   am working on getting plugged into serving in Sunday school and
   attending small groups. I also would like to begin more local
   outreaches in the cities, thier are endless opportunites for this.

Praise Report:

   I will be very intentional in raising financial support this month.
   Pray God would release the finances so I can be effective in ministry
   and nto be restrained because of lack of funds. Pray for monthly
   financial supporters and grace as I do this, (it's not an easy task).

God has blown me away with His provision for my room mate and I. We both came with only personal belongings and bedding. With only about $80 total, we were able to aquire lots of furniture and make an empty room a home. (It is still in the works though). I still can not get over how good God has been to us in providing in unusual ways.

Prayer Requests:

  * Pray God gives me grace as I continue to transition and get plugged
     in this YWAM community as well as the community in my new local church.
  * Pray for the DTS students that are coming next week and the
  full-time staff. Pray I can find ways to invest in deep
  transformational relationships with the students.

  * I will be very intentional in raising financial support this month.
  Pray God would release the finances so I can be effective in ministry
  and nto be restrained because of lack of funds. Pray for monthly
  financial supporters and grace as I do this, (it's not an easy task).