Thursday, October 27, 2011


Why does God allow horrible things happen to innocent people. This is not the first time this question has been asked. David asked this, the prophet Habakkuk, and Jeremiah in “Lamentations” asked this question to God. God’s sovereignty is a hard thing to accept when we as mortal men can not see the  fullness of God’s plan. I watched the documentary “War Dance” (on instant play on Netflix. Watch it). It follows the stories of 4 children affected by the genocide in Uganda that ended 5 years ago. It is one thing to hear these stories from the comfort of your home in America as you sit on your sofa with a bag of popcorn. It is another thing to be here in Uganda in the middle of all of this. The places affected by the genocide, I am going to and God has called me to minister to these very people. My heart broke as I watched this. It is like a horror movie that we would watch for entertainment but this is the reality of people’s lives. Being forced to hack their parents to death with garden hoes, they are not allowed to cover their eyes, not allowed to cry or react. Or going to the only place you think is safe, hoping and praying God would make you invisible as the rebels come and hack the door open with an axe then abduct you.
My heart broke and it brought me to tears, as I asked God “WHY?! How could you allow such innocent children and families that you love go through such horror.” This is what He said.
GOD: “Just as a father, I was forced to watch my beloved people be slaughtered as sheep. My heart broke and still breaks for my people.”
ME: “But you are sovereign God, you have the power and control to stop this. Why are they not under your pinions? Where is your shepherd’s staff to protect them?”
GOD: “This is true, I AM Sovereign. But my control and plan is greater than you can see. I am a God of redemption and that is my plan. Look at my work in the past. When you read my word, you see hardships brings people to me and is the refining fire for my precious gold. I do not enjoy what has to happen to bring refinement but I want my people. Man has brought tears in this world. I created Joseph Kony, I knew what he would do but I am looking past that at the good I will bring. Joseph had free will and that is his choice. But I redeem what man has done and bring redemption. Do you believe I am good in all things?”
ME: “I know that in the end, it is good. Every story in the bible or that I know or other peoples circumstances as well as my own, it always ends for the good even if bad things happen. I know you have taught me that you never leave, but are faithful, and always good.”

God has called me to teach this message and be and a vehicle to bring this redemption. I was nervous about preaching this message. God’s sovereignty and this question of “Why?” or “Where were you?” are huge questions. It is a big message to preach God was, and is in control. How will this be received, I would be angry and more hurt if I were them. But I can’t judge God’s message and tell God the people aren’t ready for that message. God knows the people and their hearts. It is not something that will be easily received, but a message and truth that needs to begin to be wrestled with in people’s hearts. God went on to speak more to me specifically. He said, Northern Uganda is a barren land in appearance. It looks like a waste land, but it is fertile soil and is waiting for workers to come, till the ground, plant the seeds, and water. I personally love to garden and God spoke to me in my passions of gardening. He said to me, 
You must see the potential in this land. See the potential that I see, not the barrenness. Care for my garden.”

I don’t know if this stirs your heart like it does mine, but I hope it does and that you would passionately pray for God’s people and my team. Your prayers are being answered. I am getting God’s heart for these people. I don’t mind so much any more that I will be sleeping in a mud hut, in a hotter climate than now, with more malaria carrying mosquitoes, no electricity, no more alone time, worse food than now ect. It is selfish for me to want those things. I need to be grateful and honored that God is choosing to use me when He could do these things himself, or send angels to bring his messages. And I am honored realizing this. God said, “Therefore Go!” And this is the command that I must and will follow.


Pray that God continues to show me exactly what I am to do/say to his people and how to love.

Pray for continued grace as there will be many challenges on outreach.

1 comment:

  1. from the look of it, you would think that africa is a lush beautiful place. i've never seen this side of africa before.
