Sunday, November 13, 2011


We came to Gulu a week earlier than we planned because previous plans in another town fell through. We were not sure what God had planned or why he changed our plans. However, as the week began to unfold, we realized God had bigger plans to work in the hearts of the people here when we had no plans at all. As we began the week here, we all prayed about what to do, and we all received the same word from God on what to do, so we did it.

First, I should tell you that in Gulu, we stay in a house and in our house about 8 teenage boys live with us. They lost their parents in the genocide and some are even former soldiers. These boys have gone through so much hardships, but i have never seen a group so hungry for God. Before and after school, they are in our house talking about God, and asking questions about the bible. Because of their hunger, we decided to have bible study every night and disciple them. This week we traced God's plan of redemption from creation and the fall, to Jesus' crucifixion and second coming. The last night, we talked of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Second coming. At the end, we gave the invitation to pray with anybody who would like to receive the Holy Spirit or commit their lives to God. Nine out of Ten people in the bible study came forward because of deep conviction. It brings me to tears because of how their hunger for God blesses me. When I learned that we were "baptizing in the Holy Spirit" I was nervous. I didn't know we were doing that that night. I was thinking, "I don't know how to do this"and I felt very inadequate to "baptize somebody in the Holy Spirit". So, I just began to pray. It was the most pathetic prayer something like, "God... I pray for... What is your name?... God i pray for Feona that your Holy Spirit would come upon her". God quickly taught me that it is not about me but God will do through me when I am obedient. I felt unqualified and inadequate but i learned that God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. When I began to pray my seemingly insignificant pathetic prayer, God began to move on her and broke bondage off of her. This woman became a christian just the day before. She told one of my team members while she was doing laundry, that she wanted to be born again. When asked why, she said, "I just love Jesus so much". She was very convicted and realized she needed to give her life to God. So God ministered to her, not because I am great at praying and "calling down fire", but because I was obedient and God chose to use me to work. All of these boys were ministered to by God and it was very encouraging to see God restore, and renew these boys that are so passionate for God. 

Second, we have been teaching in a womans vocational school. The first day, we did bible overview of the plan of redemption. The second day, I taught on the nature and character of God and the third day, a team member taught on their identity in God. At the end of our 3 day teaching, these women were so convicted and ministered to of their value and worth even though they have gone through so much because of the war as well. These women were spiritually oppressed and when we prayed for them, this oppression broke in such a tangible and obvious way. 

I don't tell you these stories in pride that it was anything that we did except obey God. None of us feel adequate or qualified, but we know that God qualifies the called. We learn every day as we teach and preach that it is not about us, and our teaching skills but God's power to take our words (that we speak in obedience) and take them to penetrate people's hearts. 

After teaching in the women's vocational school, we were invited to the church to teach the bible class before preaching (like sunday school). I decided to teach first. I had God put a message on my heart and it was clear it was from God so i prepared and taught on what it means to be adopted by God. The same passage God put on my heart, he put on another team member's heart to preach. As i was obedient to share my half, the other person brought the other half of the message that God wanted to bring to these people. Again, we saw God move in the hearts of the people and a deep conviction fell on some, and others were overwhelmed with God's love and mercy.

It is clear that God is moving in these people and he canceled our previous plans in another town for a reason. I have learned that God's plans are bigger than my plans and it doesn't matter how qualified I feel to do his work it is the fact that I am obedient to God and live by his Spirit.

Next Week
Next week, we at least have two seminars. These will be 3 hours long for 4 days. We also would like to continue our bible studies with the boys. We will break up into two teams to juggle this so I will be continuing to teach where the women's vocational school is and where we went to church and taught. We will teach how to study the bible and teach it using the book of 2 Timothy. I am excited for what God has planned for this week.

Answered Prayers
The team member who had malaria recovered very quickly and even had mild symptoms. This we praise God for because it can be a serious and terrible sickness.

Prayer Requests

  • Our power is still not turned on which makes life a bit more complicated. 
  • Pray for these upcoming seminars, for unity in the team, for strength to serve, and God would continue to stir in the hearts of the people.

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