Monday, February 25, 2013

Foundations for Counseling Ministries

As a continuation from my newsletter, here is more information on Foundations for Counseling Ministry School (FCM)-- the training course I am taking next quarter:
The Foundations for Counseling Ministry school helps the student to discover God's original identity for them, and equips them with tools for counseling wounded lives and communities throughout the world. Bringing about the healing touch of Christ.
People of all cultures around the world have experienced the pain that comes with broken relationships. Our challenge and our privilege as Christians is to proclaim the power of the Gospel in mending broken hearts.
Do you want to help people be restored to wholeness? Are you called to mend hearts for God? You can find your place in taking His healing to the nations. Come and discover the foundational truths that shape our ability to relate to God, ourselves and those around us. You will learn basic skills in helping others move towards wholeness.

Two Phases

Foundations in Counseling Ministry is designed as a six month training program with two distinct phases.
Phase one is a three-month classroom segment which utilizes lectures, discussions, workshops, small group interactions and personal study. The close community of students and staff provides an environment where the application of Biblical counseling skills can be worked out. Students benefit from the expertise of resource lecturers and guest faculty from different counseling ministries. Lecture topics include: identity, Active Listening, Renewing the mind, The Divine Plumbline, Inner Healing Prayer, Sexuality/Abuse, Trauma, Grief, Teaching and Ministry Development, and Personality Profiles. 
Phase two is the field assignment. This provides a practical experience where the knowledge, skills and character qualities of a Biblical counselor learned in the lecture phase are put into practice in a mission field setting. Students will find enriching cross-cultural opportunities and challenging experiences of working on a team at one of the ministry locations around the world.
COST: $1,867

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